Injured in a Bus Accident?
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Durham Mass Transit Accident Attorney
Put 36+ Years of Experience in Your Corner
The high capacity of buses, vans, trains, and other forms of mass transit put a large number of people at risk in a crash. Many of these vehicles don’t have passenger-restraint systems, so you can be thrown or jarred during an accident. Injuries can be of various types, but often include orthopedic injuries, spinal cord trauma and brain damage.
Bus lines, taxi companies, and other transportation providers have complex bureaucratic procedures they want victims to follow after an accident. Lots of paperwork. Lots of questions. Before you sign anything or speak with anyone about the accident, talk to a mass transit accident attorney. Don Strickland analyzes the accident, identifies who is at fault, and pursues compensation for your injuries.
Who Is Responsible for School & Commercial Buses?
A school district or municipality generally owns school and mass transit buses. If the school district hired an outside bus company to manage their routes, the bus company may bear liability for an accident. Commercial and tour buses are usually owned by a bus line, but may be chartered by another organization.
Don Strickland can wade through the details and determine who is responsible for compensating you if you were injured by someone else’s negligence, carelessness or recklessness.
Bus accidents are like truck accidents, in that the size and weight of buses put other motorists at a much greater risk of injury or death. Many accidents are caused by buses that have not been properly inspected or maintained. Equipment defects or poor maintenance can make other parties, such as parts manufacturers, share the blame for the crash.
Accidents Involving Chartered Buses or Passenger Vans
Sometimes an organization, family or company will rent a bus or 15-person passenger van for a specific trip.
Depending on who is driving and the nature of the rental agreement, responsibility for the accident may fall on:
- EThe owner of the vehicle
- EThe driver
- EThe organization that chartered the vehicle
What to Do When You’ve Been Injured by a Taxi
Taxi drivers stop and go, pick up and drop off passengers, and focus on their next destination and fare. As a result, they often slide in and out of fast-moving traffic. This increases the risk of collisions. As with buses, the company that owns and operates the taxi is usually held accountable in a lawsuit.
Hear it from Our Satisfied Clients!
Don Strickland offers consultations to discuss your injuries and your options. Contact him online or call (919) 828-4357 to set up a meeting. You pay no legal fees unless you receive compensation.