Injured in a Pedestrian Accident?

Pedestrian Accident Attorney in Durham

Car and truck drivers are responsible for maintaining a safe distance from pedestrians who are walking alongside a roadway, in a crosswalk, or in a parking lot. However, neglectful drivers often do not notice pedestrians. In these instances, serious consequences can occur. If you followed all traffic laws but were struck by a motor vehicle, chances are you were not at fault.

If you suffered injuries while walking responsibly on the sidewalk or crossing the street, Don Strickland may be able to help you recover financial compensation for:
  • Medical treatment, surgeries, hospital bills, and other future treatments
  • Lost wages
  • Diminished earning capacity
  • Physical pain
  • Mental suffering and other emotional damages
  • Permanent or partial loss of use of a body part
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

Can the Pedestrian Be at Fault in a Car Pedestrian Accident?

While a motorist should always yield the right of way to a pedestrian, it doesn’t mean that in the event of an accident the pedestrian can’t be found to be at least partially responsible for an accident. Some of the most common situations where this can happen is:

  • A pedestrian was jaywalking
  • A pedestrian was crossing against the traffic signal
  • A pedestrian was walking where pedestrian access is clearly not allowed

If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident, it’s important to speak to an attorney about your rights and options today.

Common vehicle-pedestrian collisions include:

  • Bumper impact — A car’s bumper can break a pedestrian’s legs or ankles, and cause spinal cord trauma and brain injuries.
  • Hood and windshield impact — If you land on a car or other vehicle, back and head injuries are common, sometimes resulting in paralysis and permanent disability.
  • Run over — These can be the most harmful accidents, causing multiple broken bones, internal bleeding, brain injuries and possibly death.

Contact Experienced Counsel if You Were Injured When Walking.

If you have suffered injuries because of someone else’s negligence, set up an initial consultation with Don Strickland. He works hard to ensure that you are fully compensated for your losses.

Call (919) 828-4357 or send a message using the online contact form to request your consultation. You pay nothing unless you receive compensation.

“Don met the highest standards of professionalism. I recommend Don and his team without qualification.”

“I highly recommend Don based on my personal experience with him, he gets results.”

“Don Strickland and his law firm demonstrated both the highest levels of professional skills and the highest levels of interpersonal compassion”

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